You are cordially invited to the next meeting of the CoSyDy network, which will take place at the School of Mathematics of the University of Leeds on Thursday 12th May 2016 (from 12:00 onwards).
The subject of the meeting is 'Dynamics of Agent-Based Models' and details of the location and (tentative) programme can be found in the enclosed poster. We would be grateful if you could bring this event to the attention of all those who may be interested.
All are welcome but, for catering purposes and due to space limitation, we would appreciate if you could confirm your attendance to Jon Ward ( by Wednesday 4th May.
Directions: and
We look forward to seeing you in Leeds in May,
Mauro Mobilia and Jonathan Ward
Tentative programme
All talks will be in the Mall, level 8 of the School of Maths on Thursday 12th May
12:00: Buffet lunch (School of Mathematics' foyer, level 9)
13:00-13:40: Dr. Thilo Gross (Bristol), “Opinion formation: Humans, Fish, and
systems of equations”
13:40-14:00: Dario Bauso (Sheffield), “Mean-field games”
14:00-14:20: Guillem Mosquera (Warwick), “Bubble-Like Processes in Opinion
14:20-15:00: Coffee, tea & cookies (School of Mathematics' foyer, level 9)
15.00-15.40: Dr. Andrew Evans (Leeds), “Current challenges in agent-based
modelling of social and ecological systems”
15:40-16:00: Dr. Bruce Edmonds (Manchester Met.), “Staged Models for
Interdisciplinary Research”
16:00-16:20: Dr. Jerome Michaud (Edinburgh), “On the dynamics of the utterance
selection model with preferences”
16:20-16:40: Jacopo Iacovacci (QMUL), “Emergence and characterization of
communities in social multilayer networks”
16:40: Wine and nibbles (School of Mathematics' foyer, level 9)