PhD Studentship Available:
Context dependency in socio-environmental modelling
Context dependency in socio-environmental modelling
Institutions: The James Hutton
Institute (JHI) & Centre for Policy
Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan
University (CPM)
JHI PhD Supervisor: Dr
G Polhill, JH Co-Supervisor: Dr
A Girmona
CPM/MMU PhD Director of
Studies: Dr Bruce Edmonds
Application Deadline: 15
January 2013
The studentship is jointly
run by the JHI and the CPM/MMU. The successful candidate will be based in
Aberdeen, but will visit Manchester a few times a year. The studentship is for
3 years and provides: (A) a stipend of £13,590 per year for living expenses per year
(non-taxable) (B) 3 years PhD student fees (EU/UK student rate) (C) support for
travel to Manchester (6 trips of 2-3 days duration a year) and/or international
conferences up to a maximum total of £5130). The PhD will be awarded by the
MMU. The JHI and the MMU will jointly provide training and support for the
period of study. The candidate must be willing to live near the JHI in
Aberdeen, travel to Manchester for discussions and occasionally travel to
international conferences.