
workshop 13th Sept: "Social complexity, emergence and institutions"

Social complexity, emergence and institutions
Second workshop in the ESRC-funded ‘Constructed Complexity’ Series
13th September 2013
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Conference Suite
10th Floor, Harold Hankins Building, University of Manchester
10.00am          Arrivals and coffee
10.30am          Welcome and introductions:
Dr Ozge Dilaver Kalkan, Dr Kieron Flanagan & Dr Elvira Uyarra
10.45am          Keynote speaker: Prof Peter Allen (Cranfield University)
11.30am          Coffee break
11.50am          Response to Peter Allen: Prof Stan Metcalfe (University of Manchester)
12.20pm          Plenary discussion

12.40pm          Lunch

2.00pm                        Keynote speaker: Prof Robert Geyer (Lancaster University)
2.45pm                        Respondent: Prof Bruce Edmonds (Manchester Metropolitan University)
3.05pm            Plenary discussion
3.25pm            Panel discussion: Chair: Prof Frank Geels (University of Manchester)
3.55pm                        Rounding-up comments from Prof Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey)
4.10pm                        Closing remarks and next steps: Dr Ozge Dilaver Kalkan
4.15pm                        Close and coffee

This small interactive meeting aims to explore the relationships between complexity and institutionalist perspectives in social science (particularly but not only in economics and political science/policy studies), as part of a broader programme of building a bridge between complexity perspectives and other meta-theories in social science.

Attendance is free but numbers are restricted. To apply to attend please email: kieron.flanagan@manchester.ac.uk